Exercise can be one of the effective ways of managing some chronic health conditions, including hernia. However, when done improperly or with certain exercises, it may also worsen a hernia and exacerbate its symptoms.
Exercising with a hernia
You can exercise if you have a hernia. The key is focusing on exercises that won’t strain the area where your hernia is located. For abdominal hernias, this means exercises or lifting routines that involve straining or pulling in the abdominal area are not recommended.
Even then, you are still left with a ton of options that will keep you active and improve your cardio-respiratory health.
Below are some of the exercises often recommended for hernia patients:
- Walking
- Swimming
- Jogging
- Gentle yoga
- Cycling
If you’re experiencing pain with your hernia, you may notice that the more intense the workout is, the worse your symptom gets. This is why if you’re experiencing this, it’s best to stick with less-intense workouts such as walking and jogging (over running).
Exercises to avoid
If you have an abdominal hernia, the following exercises should be avoided. These activities can put a strain on the upper abdomen, causing an exacerbation of your symptoms:
- Situps
- Squats or lifts with weights
- Crunches
- Pushups
- Deadlifts
- Inversion yoga poses
Yoga for the hernia
There are certain yoga exercises that can be good for a hernia. One is the deep breathing exercise that can help strengthen the diaphragm. Another is doing the Chair Pose, which is also thought to strengthen the abdominal area without putting a strain on it.
If you’re new to yoga and working with an instructor, it’s important to let your instructor know about your hernia. There are often exercise modifications that can prevent exacerbation of your hernia symptoms.
Premier Surgical Associates of Knoxville and Cleveland offer surgical treatment for different types of hernias. We also offer flat-fee pricing for selected hernia surgeries performed at our Surgery Center on Papermill Drive in Knoxville. To request an appointment for a hernia consultation, visit https://www.premierherniacenter.com/appointment-request/