Are you currently suffering from hemorrhoids? Are you searching for effective treatments that offer lasting relief? If so, you’re in luck! We recently published a quick guide that will help you learn more about nonsurgical hemorrhoid treatment via infrared coagulation.
The guide contains details on:
- What hemorrhoids actually are
- Creams, infrared coagulation, and other treatment options
- When to seek hemorrhoid treatment s
- And more
Hemorrhoids can affect anyone and are quite common. In fact, approximately half the population by the age of 50 will have had at least one hemorrhoid. Given the level of availability of hemorrhoid remedies like creams and ointments at your average pharmacy, this may not come as a surprise.
The good news for anyone suffering from hemorrhoids is your treatment options don’t stop at creams and ointments. While you may be familiar with the most well known traditional treatment, a hemorrhoidectomy, there are also nonsurgical options to consider.
A hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove hemorrhoids, but fortunately, in all but the most severe cases, there is a high likelihood that you don’t need surgery to bring you relief from your hemorrhoids. Thankfully, the topic of the guide, infrared coagulation (which is a non-surgical treatment) can eliminate the source of a hemorrhoid with just a few short bursts of warm light.
If you’re considering treatment for hemorrhoids to relieve symptoms such as bleeding, pain, or discomfort, infrared coagulation might just be the option you’ve been looking for! There’s no reason to let you hemorrhoid problem persist. At Premier Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Knoxville you can be confident your treatment plan includes the most up-to-date treatment options, like infrared coagulation, to provide lasting relief from hemorrhoids.
Download our Premier Hemorrhoid Treatment Center guide and discover if infrared coagulation is the right hemorrhoid treatment for you. Don’t let your suffering continue—take the first step in reliving your hemorrhoid symptoms and request a copy of our guide today!