Smart-Strategies-to-Get-Rid-of-Varicose-VeinsThings have been hopping at the Premier Vein Clinics in Knoxville, including keeping our patients well informed about varicose veins and venous diseases. Here are a few of the most recent blog posts our patients have been talking about.

Are Spider Veins Cramping Your Lifestyle?
It’s not uncommon for patients to tell us they won’t wear shorts on even the hottest summer day because of unsightly spider veins on their legs, and even that they’ve stopped doing outdoor activities because of this choice. And spider veins on the face present a different self-consciousness. Our patients are literally uncomfortable in their own skin, but we can help. Read the post here.

Can You Blame Your Veins For Your Leg Pain?
Varicose veins are a common, yet sometimes unrecognized, source of leg pain because not all varicose veins appear as bulges on the skin. Varicose veins create pressure within the leg veins, and our patients often refer to the resulting pain as an aching heaviness. Learn more about it here.

Top 8 Questions To Ask About Varicose Veins
As the top vein center in East Tennessee, we receive thousands of questions from our patients each year. While your cosmetic concerns and medical condition are unique to you, learning about the common questions that many patients ask may be helpful as you explore your treatment options.

Varicose Veins And Your Job
While you certainly didn’t check the yes box next to “willingness to develop varicose veins” when you chose your career, it’s true that people working in certain occupations should pay extra attention to their risk of developing varicose veins. Click here to learn the two main factors, and which occupations pose higher risks.

7 Tips For Nurses To Avoid Varicose Veins
Nurses tend to have a constant stream of patients each day allowing for little time to rest. Nearly 50% of American adults suffer from varicose veins and nurses are especially prone to them due to the amount of time spent on their feet. Here are some tips for nurses to avoid developing varicose veins.

Top 2 Reasons Teachers Get Varicose Veins
Teachers have to interact with their students, which means a lot of standing and walking. Prolonged periods of standing, especially when it occurs repeatedly over time, drastically increases the pressure within the leg veins increasing the likelihood of developing varicose veins. Read the post for tips for teachers.

If you are experiencing symptom of varicose veins request a consult with one of Premier Vein Clinic of Knoxville’s experienced vascular surgeons. Treatment has never been easier to regain those beautiful, healthy legs. Call (865) 588-8229 and request an appointment today.

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