You can develop a hernia when an organ pushes through an opening of your muscle or tissue that keeps it in place. This can happen when you have a weak spot in a muscle or surrounding tissues.
The general surgeons of Premier Surgical in Knoxville and Cleveland, TN, stress that although most hernias are non-life threatening, we know they can be very uncomfortable. In most cases, they don’t go away on their own. Sometimes, they require surgery to prevent serious complications.
The Signs and Symptoms of Hernia
The most distinct symptom of a hernia is a lump or bulge on the affected side. For example, if you have an inguinal hernia, you may feel a lump on either side of your public bone.
The lump is usually noticeable when you’re standing up, bending down, or coughing.
Aside from the obvious bump, there can also be some discomfort from it.
While other types of hernias have more obvious symptoms (e.g. hiatal hernia can cause heartburn, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing), most hernias don’t present obvious signs or symptoms. In many cases, people just found out about it after a routine medical check.
Risk Factors
Hernias can develop as a result of straining and muscle weakness. Hence, there are certain factors that can increase your risk of developing it. These include aging, constant heavy lifting, chronic coughing, damage from an injury, multiple pregnancies, constipation, obesity, and having a congenital condition.
Treating Hernias
To diagnose hernias, doctors usually do a combination of a thorough physical exam and imaging tests.
If you are confirmed to have a hernia and it’s growing and causing you pain or discomfort, your physician may recommend surgery.
Hernia repair can be either open or laparoscopic.
In a laparoscopic hernia repair, you will only have a few incisions. The surgeon uses a specialized small camera and surgical instruments to repair the hernia.
In open surgery, the surgeon makes a bigger incision close to the affected site, pushes the bulging tissue back into place and sews the area shut.
Your surgeon can discuss with you the type of hernia repair that’s suitable for your condition
The Premier Surgical Hernia Center has surgeons with years of experience in evaluating and repairing all different types of hernias.
If you’re ready to live a pain and hernia-free life, request an appointment online with a Premier Hernia Center physician at or call (865) 306-5775 to be connected to a Premier Surgical office.