By Carey Bunch, CPO/L , Prosthetist

Amputation and prosthetic limbs are common enough that the average person is likely familiar with them on some level, but rare enough that most people have many questions and misunderstandings to clear up when faced with the prospect of requiring a prosthesis for the first time. Here are five things everyone should know about prosthetic legs.

1. Each prosthetic leg is unique

Due to the myriad of differences in people and amputations, each prosthetic leg is a unique system of parts designed to ensure the best possible fit and level of mobility. The prosthesis begins with a custom socket, which provides a proper fit on to the residual limb to maximize mobility and comfort level, and allows a prosthetist to adjust the prosthesis to properly align and balance it to limit fatigue and other issues.

2. Prosthetic legs are not nearly as limiting as you’d think

The entire focus of the prosthesis fitting, is getting you back to the level of mobility you desire. Whether this is simply walking around your garden or running a marathon, the prosthesis can be designed to allow you to do the things you want to do. At times, adjustments need to be made, but our goal is to make sure you don’t feel limited by your prosthesis.

3. It will take time to get used to your prosthetic leg

Prosthetic limbs are as much an art as they are a science and there is always a period of adjustment. This is true of physical adjustments as much as it is mental. There will be a period of time post amputation before you get used to your prosthesis, but eventually, you’ll find it feels like a natural extension of yourself. It’s important during this time to consult with a qualified prosthetist to ensure the best possible fit and minimize the amount of unfamiliarity you have with your new prosthetic limb.

4. You may eventually need a new prosthesis

As with any mechanical system, parts may wear out, you may outgrow certain components of your prosthesis or sometimes newer and better components come along that may increase your mobility. In any case, one thing is certain, you will eventually need to visit your prosthetist to discuss replacement of one component or the entire prosthesis. This is an important place to revisit your relationship with your prosthetic limb and take a critical look at how it is helping you reach the level of mobility you desire.

5. Premier Prosthetic Center offers comprehensive care to restore your mobility

From preoperative patients expecting an amputation and hoping to achieve the best possible outcome to someone looking to replace an aging prosthesis, Premier Prosthetic Center has a lot to offer you. Our team strives to offer comprehensive care to patients at all stages and ensure superior fit and function of your prosthesis to allow you to meet your desired levels of mobility and activity.

If you’re facing amputation, struggling with a poorly fitting prosthesis, or anywhere in between, give Premier Prosthetic Center a call at (865) 474-7096 or schedule a free consultation online to discuss how our comprehensive care can benefit you.