What is a Hemorrhoid-There is a good chance you’ve heard about hemorrhoids—in fact, there’s a good chance you’ve had or will have a hemorrhoid. In fact, it’s estimated that over 10 million Americans suffer from hemorrhoids, yet many suffer in silence because of embarrassment. As a result, many of us still don’t really understand what a hemorrhoids really are or what causes them. Understanding is the door to getting rid of your hemorrhoids.

What is a hemorrhoid?

At the most basic level, a hemorrhoid is a swollen blood vessel in the anal canal or around the rectal area. They are somewhat similar to the varicose veins that commonly affect legs and ankles. The trouble with hemorrhoids most often relates more to the symptoms than the underlying conditions. For example, friction and pressure can cause a hemorrhoid to swell and become irritated, which can lead to pain or bleeding. In some cases, hemorrhoids may cause few or no symptoms or require no treatment . But hemorrhoids don’t “clear up” or heal themselves. There are two main types of hemorrhoids—internal and external. The primary difference is the location, with internal hemorrhoids being located in the anal canal and external hemorrhoids being located outside.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Like varicose veins around the legs and ankles, pressure is the most common cause of hemorrhoids. In some situations, such as pregnancy, there are hormonal changes to consider as well, but pressure is also a factor in these cases. Those who are most susceptible to hemorrhoids are people who work in fields that require a lot of sitting, like truck drivers and office workers.

How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?

The truth is, hemorrhoids are usually easy to diagnose from symptoms alone. A brief physical examination by a doctor or hemorrhoid specialist is usually all that is necessary to confirm a hemorrhoid diagnosis. It is important that you not skip out on seeking a diagnosis from a doctor, as more serious issues may produce similar symptoms to hemorrhoids.

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Symptoms may subside but the source of the hemorrhoid doesn’t resolve itself. Hemorrhoid creams do not actually treat the source of a hemorrhoid, but rather they relieve the symptoms of pain or itching. If you are suffering from persistent hemorrhoids, you will likely not  find lasting relief just using creams and ointments. Seeing a hemorrhoid treatment specialist to devise a treatment plan will help ensure you receive the most up-to-date options, like infrared coagulation, to provide lasting relief from hemorrhoids.

To get started on the path to lasting relief, give Premier Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, the only dedicated hemorrhoid treatment center in Knoxville, a call today at (865) 588-9952 to schedule a consultation.