GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a treatable condition. If your symptoms are not improving with more conservative measures (i.e. lifestyle changes and medications), General Surgeon Dr. Michael Antiporda of Premier Surgical Associates says it may be time for a surgical treatment.

Surgery is often a good option for GERD patients who have more severe symptoms or whose symptoms persist for years even with higher dosage of medication.

Surgical Options for GERD
There are different surgical options for GERD, including:

Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
First performed in the early ‘90s, laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is considered the gold standard in GERD surgery.

It’s a minimally invasive procedure that involves five keyhole incisions that wraps part of the upper stomach around the lower esophagus in order to create a one-way valve that prevents stomach contents from moving backward but still allows food or liquid to pass from the esophagus into the stomach.

Toupet Fundoplication
This is similar to the laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, except that the stomach wrap is partial. It wraps around the esophagus for 270 degrees, rather than 360 degrees like the Nissen.

This is performed for patients who have a weaker esophageal function as a complete wrap in such cases would cause too much trouble with swallowing.

Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation with the LINX Device
This is another good, newer option for GERD, which shows very good data from randomized controlled trials, showing excellent reflux control with minimal side effects.

In this procedure, a small device (LINX) is implanted to tighten the opening of the lower esophageal sphincter. Sometimes the Nissen fundoplication can cause some bloat or difficulty trying to belch, but the LINX allows some venting because it can be opened with enough pressure from the stomach.

The physicians of Premier Surgical Associates of Knoxville and Cleveland, TN, surgically treat patients with acid reflux and GERD. To request an appointment with one of our experienced surgeons, visit