Welcome To the Premier Hernia CenterAccording to the Food and Drug Administration, hernia repair is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States. An estimated one million Americans undergo some type of hernia surgery annually. At Premier Surgical Associates, hernia repair surgery is so prevalent that we’ve launched a new website to help educate our patients about hernias and alleviate their fears about treatments and repairs.

Premier Hernia Center provides information about the difference between basic and complex hernias, the risk factors for developing hernias, and the advanced treatments that are available. Hernias can affect men, women, and children of all ages, and they occur when an organ pushes through a weakness or hole in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place.

While hernias can appear in the navel, groin area, or upper thigh, they are most common in the abdomen. Various factors play a role in who’s at risk for developing a hernia, such as genetics, poor nutrition, pregnancy, obesity, smoking, or improper heavy lifting.

Visit Premier Hernia Center to learn if you meet any of the factors that may increase your risk of developing a hernia. And, if you do have a hernia it’s crucial to know the risk factors that negatively impact your chances for a successful, lasting surgical repair. Smoking, obesity, and uncontrolled diabetes diminish the rate of a patient’s successful hernia surgery. Premier Hernia Center offers two tools to prepare patients for the most successful, lasting repair:

  1. CeDAR is a free app that guides patients through eight questions in order to calculate the risks and financial impact of wound-related problems following complex hernia repair.
  1. N.E.W. U is a Nutrition, Education, and Wellness program developed by the Fort Sanders Health and Fitness Center designed to help complex hernia patients meet their pre-surgery weight, health and nutrition goals.

Treatment depends on the severity and complexity of the hernia. For common small hernias, the hole or weakness is often repaired using a mesh material, commonly with laparoscopic techniques. Non-complex hernia repair is usually performed as outpatient surgery. Complex hernias may require more advanced repair techniques in order to reconstruct the abdominal wall properly.

A lasting, successful hernia repair often is the gateway to increased mobility and a greater quality of life. Learn more about Premier Surgical Associate’s expertise in treating hernias by visiting the Premier Hernia Center website, or request an appointment online.