Hemorrhoids are rarely serious but they can be a real nuisance. Depending on what type of hemorrhoids you have, they may cause pain, bleeding, itching, and swelling.

What causes hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids result from an increase in pressure in the lower rectal area. This increase in pressure can affect the blood flow in the area and cause the rectal veins to swell.

Increase in pressure in the rectal area can happen as a result of:

      • Constant straining during bowel movement
      • Straining when lifting heavy objects
      • Obesity
      • Pregnancy

When to seek treatment?
Hemorrhoid symptoms like pain and swelling can often be temporarily managed at home with warm sitz baths, over the counter creams, and simple lifestyle changes like adding more fiber in the diet, drinking more water, and incorporating more physical activities. However, if your symptoms don’t go away and your hemorrhoids are causing you severe pain, discomfort, and bleeding, then it’s best to see a doctor.

Premier Hemorrhoid Treatment in Knoxville, is the only dedicated hemorrhoid center in the East Tennessee region. We specialize in non-invasive, non-surgical procedures that provide quick hemorrhoid relief, and lasting comfort.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Treatments
Non-surgical laser hemorrhoid treatments don’t require anesthesia. Hence, there’s no downtime. They’re also less invasive than the traditional treatment, don’t require stitches or suturing, and can usually be completed in less than 15 minutes.

If you’re embarrassed with your hemorrhoids, you’ll find comfort in the fact that we offer a confidential hemorrhoid hotline at (865) 588-9952. Or, request an appointment online today at https://www.premiersurgical.com/hemorrhoid-treatment-appointment-request/.

Don’t let hemorrhoids ruin your day!
