Over three million of hemorrhoid cases are reported each year, but only a third of those with symptomatic hemorrhoids actually seek help. This can be a result of fear, embarrassment, or lack of resources.

What are hemorrhoids?

Also called piles, hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal and rectal areas. They are the most common causes of anal bleeding and although they’re rarely dangerous, they can be a great source of discomfort and pain.

There are two different types of hemorrhoids – internal and external hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids generally don’t hurt because they’re located far enough inside the rectum. Bleeding is the usual sign that most people have with internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are located under the skin around the anus. Because there are more sensing nerves in this area, this type of hemorrhoids hurt and bleed. 

When to Seek Help

Although bleeding is a common sign of hemorrhoids, you shouldn’t hesitate in seeing a doctor to make sure that the rectal bleeding is not caused by other disease. Rectal bleeding can also occur with other conditions such as colorectal and anal cancer.

Hemorrhoids may not be life-threatening but it’s worth to see a specialist especially if your hemorrhoids and their associated symptoms are not getting better with more conservative treatments such as high-fiber diet, warm baths, or over-the-counter pain medications.

Different Treatment Options

Hemorrhoid is common and a highly-treatable condition. So, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed or afraid in asking for help.

Premier Surgical’s Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Knoxville takes pride in providing non-invasive and non-surgical procedures for hemorrhoid relief, like infrared coagulation. Infrared coagulation involves the use of small probe to expose the hemorrhoid to short burst of warm light, causing it to shrink and fade.

Our dedicated hemorrhoid specialist, Dr. C. Stone Mitchell, works closely with our patients to make sure that they’re getting the most suitable treatment option for their hemorrhoids. If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, there is no need to be ashamed. Call us today for assessment at 865-588-9952 or request an appointment online.