Friendsville Mom Loses 175 Lbs After Weight Loss Surgery

News From Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center Health & Lifestyles Tracy Shelton is a business owner and mom of two teenagers who leads a busy lifestyle. Four years ago, she underwent bariatric surgery at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and has since lost 175...

Dr. Williams Leads Parkwest Center for Bariatric Surgery

News From Parkwest Medical Center Bariatric surgery can often benefit morbidly obese people or those with obesity-related illnesses who have been unable to lose weight through other methods. Parkwest Medical Center’s Center for Bariatric Surgery is led by K. Robert...

Obesity is a Chronic Disease

According to data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than a third of adults in the United States are obese. Obesity is a condition characterized by having too much fat in the body. Using the Body Mass Index (BMI), a person with a BMI of 30 and above...

Getting in Shape for Surgery

Are you healthy enough for surgery? Many physicians are assessing the health of their patients and encouraging  them to “get in shape” before they are able to undergo any surgical procedure. Some medical professionals are referring to this preparation as “pre-hab.”...

A blessing for body, mind and spirit

From Fort Sanders Regional Health & Lifestyles In the last 18 months, Debra Hinson, 50, has lost nearly 100 pounds. The Sevierville resident said she has revamped not only her body, but her mind and spirit as well. “I have been on every diet that you can possibly...

Husband and Wife Find Answer to Weight Loss Battle

It takes a lot of energy to be the parent of teenagers, and that energy is harder to come by if you’re morbidly obese. When Daniel and Stacey Rorie began having trouble keeping up with their kids, they decided it was time to do something about it. The Rories, who live...