In 2001, 57-year-old John Gardner of Knoxville was involved in a tree cutting accident that crushed his ankle and left him with one leg shorter than the other. Over the next thirteen years, Gardner fought with limited mobility issues and depression about how...
In March, we wrote about Reda — the three-year old chocolate lab with a new lease, or should we say leash, on life. By thriving despite a disability, Reda quickly became a favorite of the staff and patients of Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center in Knoxville, so we...
Thirty years ago Dean Jarvis of Maryville had his leg amputated above the knee. After a battle with osteosarcoma earlier in his teens, Jarvis was determined he wouldn’t quit playing baseball and basketball despite the steel rod that now ran from his ankle to his hip....
When Tim Muncy gets dressed for a day on the job at Premier Prosthetic Center in Knoxville, the most important thing he puts on isn’t his medical scrubs uniform, it’s his prosthetic left leg. Muncy, like the patients he works with, is an amputee. As a Prosthetist...
By Carey Bunch, CPO/L , Prosthetist Amputation and prosthetic limbs are common enough that the average person is likely familiar with them on some level, but rare enough that most people have many questions and misunderstandings to clear up when faced with the...
A motorcycle accident left Michael Spence with a severed leg in 2006. This year, he will run in the Knoxville Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K – his first run since the accident. Technology is incredible. In prosthetics, technology allows us to restore mobility and...