How to Treat Hemorrhoidal Skin Tags

Anal skin tags are most commonly caused by stretched-out skin, usually due to previously swollen hemorrhoids. The skin around the anus is relatively loose to allow easy passage of stools. However, it is also for this reason why it’s prone to be stretched by...

What are anal skin tags?

Anal skin tags are very common. They are small bumps in the anal area. They can be sensitive to touch but rarely cause pain.  What causes anal skin tags? We rarely notice it but the skin around our anal area is looser compared to the skin on other parts of our body....

Anal Skin Tags—We Treat and Remove Them

Anal skin tags are very common. These are benign skin tissues that may feel like bumps or raised areas around the anus. They are a few millimeters or less in size and usually of the same color of the skin or darker. Although anal skin tags are not a disease, they may...

Relief from Hemorrhoids and Skin Tags

Anal, or rectal skin tags, are very much like skin tags that appear on other parts of the body. As with most skin tags, they are normally harmless and not typically a serious medical issues, but the specialists at the Premier Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Knoxville...

Say Goodbye to Hemorrhoidal Skin Tags

Having hemorrhoid skin tags can be embarrassing to talk about and painful to live with. These bumps on the skin surrounding the anus are usually caused by enlargement of the underlying hemorrhoid blood vessels. What are Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in...