Repaired and Restored

Parkwest Medical Center Health & Lifestyles There are plenty of ways to reduce the size of your belly. None of them were working for Gloria Stofflet of Crossville. With lots of exercise and trying her best to stick to a healthy diet, she wasn’t sure why her belly...

CeDAR App is a Free Resource for Hernia Patients

Surgery for a complex hernias is often an intricate repair and the success rate depends in large part on the overall health of the patient. The physicians at Premier Surgical Associates know that preparing patients to make health changes before surgery is crucial to a...

Busy Newport mayor back on move after hernia surgery

When it comes to moving mountains, Newport mayor Connie Ball has much on his plate: create jobs, recruit business and industry, manage traffic flow and upgrade library facilities. This is in addition to his other roles as substitute teacher, school bus driver and...

Pair of Premier Surgical Surgeons Team Up for Complex Hernia Repair

From East Tennessee Medical News By Joel “Trey” Bradley, III, MD and Kristopher Williams, MS, MD Over the past several years the complexity of patients and difficulty of hernia repair has dramatically increased. We saw this during our fellowships at Carolinas Medical...