When and How to Wash Your Hands

Hand washing remains to be one of the easiest and simplest ways to keep yourself from getting sick. However, while it may seem obvious, it’s important to understand how to do it most effectively. When and How to Wash Your Hands Germs can be transferred easily. You can...

Healthy Eating Tips for Nutrition Month

Our experts at Premier Surgical Associates in Knoxville and Cleveland, TN, believe that what you eat has an impact on your overall health. So, for this National Nutrition Month, we’ve put together a list of healthy eating tips to help you get started: Mix up your...

Women’s Health Week

On average, American women have a 12% risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime. With the exception of skin cancer, breast cancer remains to be the most common form of cancer affecting women in the United States. How does breast cancer develop? Breast...

Wash your hands!

Handwashing is one of the simplest yet one of the most effective ways to prevent communicable diseases. How do germs get into our hands? Fecal matter (feces) from other people and animals are usually the sources of germs like E. coli, Salmonella, and the norovirus...

Gallbladder pain or heartburn?

You are finished eating a meal when you suddenly feel some discomfort. Feeling sick after eating a meal, especially a large meal, can indicate a problem in the digestive tract.  Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and biliary colic are some of the most common...