September is PAD Awareness Month

September is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Awareness Month. PAD is a condition that affects about 18 million Americans, about 160 to 180,000 of that are predicted to have a limb amputated this year.  What is PAD and what causes it? PAD occurs when there is a...

Don’t be ashamed to get help!

Hemorrhoids are very common. In fact, about 15 million Americans have them. Unfortunately, not everyone with hemorrhoids seeks help.   Feeling Embarrassed with Hemorrhoids The bleeding, the itchiness, and all other things that come with hemorrhoids are no fun. It’s...

Meet Dr. Beierle!

 Premier Surgical Cleveland is proud to present the newest member of our physician team – Dr. Shannon Beierle.  Dr. Beierle is a general surgeon. She treats a variety of conditions, from hernia to cancer.  Let’s get to know her more.  What’s your background?...

Gallbladder Disease and Diet

Located just below the liver, the gallbladder is a small yet vital organ. It stores and concentrates bile, a brownish-yellowish enzyme produced by the liver. It also secretes bile into the small intestine to aid in digestion.  Your Diet Impacts Your Gallbladder Health...